[Win2Go] Cannot enable Bitlocker after cloning and resizing partition (maybe?)


I had Windows to Go installed on a 500GB USB 3.0 external hard drive. Yesterday I upgraded to a 1TB hard drive and cloned my drive to it.
I already used Bitlocker without TPM and password protected to encrypt my device, but I decrypted the drive from another hard drive OS. Like, I removed the OS Bitlocker (the one that is able to boot and all) from another OS, like an ordinary Bitlocker. Is that bad? Well, I was able to access the files and to clone it successfully.
As my Win2Go partition were only mere 50GB, I expanded it a little to 70GB and used the remaining for another partition.

But now when I try to enable OS Bitlocker once again, it says "Changes made to your computer require that you restart before running Bitlocker setup.". No matter how much do I restart, it says the same thing. Did some configuration get messed up? Registry or something? 
I really don't want to reinstall the whole system just for this.


July 13th, 2013 7:06pm

Found my solution, I think. It's still encrypting here, but it already asked for Bitlocker password on boot.

I only managed it to start encrypting through command line (admin).
I started with:
$ manage-bde -status

$ manage-bde -protectors -add C: -pw
(when you press Enter, it prompts for the password you wish to use)

And finally:
$ manage-bde -on C:
You'll be told to restart. You might be asked for the password you just created on the last step on startup.

I've got it all from here:
technet.microsoft (dot) com/en-us/library/jj647767.aspx

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July 13th, 2013 7:50pm


Im glad to hear your issue has been resolved. Hope your experience will help other community members facing similar problems.


Leo   Huang

July 15th, 2013 4:54am

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